Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Domestic Violence: The Tracy Thurman Story :: Violence Against Women Essays
There is one specific case that hangs out in my psyche when I consider abusive behavior at home. The Tracy Thurman Story. Tracy Thurman was a Connecticut housewife. She endured a ghastly maltreatment on account of her significant other. As the days got more seasoned so did the beatings and was progressively shocked every day.      When Buck and Tracy got included she understood that he had a betting issue. She had defied him about him losing cash while betting before his companions. Buck got irate and punched the entryway working his way around Tracy. Buck at that point begins hollering and saying how his mom put a weapon to his head and asked Tracy never to leave him. Seeing his powerless side, Tracy felt frustrated about him. This demonstrated Tracy that Buck had a broken soul and a feeling of humankind.      Not excessively long, after Tracy discovered she was pregnant. In the wake of disclosing to Buck the news, he beat her just because. Tracy at that point leaves from Florida to Connecticut, her old neighborhood and remains with a near companion. Buck follows her to Connecticut and asks, argues, and guarantees that it will never happen again. They at that point get hitched, remained in Connecticut, and had a child kid.      Buck can't look for some kind of employment and persuades Tracy to move back to Florida. In the wake of losing a round of cards, he goes to fierceness and beats Tracy again leaving her two bruised eyes. Tracy moves back to Connecticut, just to have Buck follow her and removes the infant from Tracy.      At this point Tracy gets a limiting request against Buck. He isn't permitted in the territory of Connecticut, and Tracy’s home. She sees Buck remaining before her home and calls the police. The police can't discover the court request against Buck. At the point when the official goes to the house and reveals to Tracy that her better half has an option to remain in the road and it would be simpler on the off chance that they weren’t wedded.      A couple days after the fact, Buck is insulted. He goes to Tracy’s house again shouting for her to come out of the house. This time he doesn’t let up. Tracy at that point calls the police again and discloses to them that Buck is outside her home again and needs a watch vehicle to stop by the house. The official returns a temporary re-route to the station. The official takes perpetually to get to the house.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The lack of specific statutory legislation to deal with media Essay
The absence of explicit legal enactment to manage media interruption can be viewed as a shortcoming in English law. The Irish Privacy Bill 2006 speaks to a m - Essay Example In UK there is no particular legal arrangement for the security of protection. In any case, on the grounds that the infringement of individual life can't stay in specific conditions without discipline, consequently, the courts use rather the standards of law that are connected with Human Rights by and large. In this unique circumstance, Human Rights Act of 1998 is the most widely recognized administrative content utilized by courts in UK so as to give assurance to individuals that have endured an interruption to their own life by media. It must be seen however that English courts manage the issue just at the level that the important opportunities gave by the English law are damaged. As per the article 2 of the Human Rights Act of 1998 ‘Everyone’s right to life will be ensured by the law’ (article 2, par.1). Moreover, Human Rights Act of 1998 incorporate a progression of articles that give insurance by and large when human rights are been undermined. We can demonst ratively allude to ‘the right to freedom and security (article 5), the privilege to a reasonable preliminary (article 6), the option to regard for private and family life (article 8), the opportunity of thought, inner voice and religion (article 9), the opportunity of articulation (article 10), the opportunity of gathering and affiliation (article 11), the privilege to a compelling cure (article 13)’, etc. At the European level, the privilege of security is likewise ensured utilizing the European Convention on the Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of 1948 as it has been altered by a progression of conventions (no. 4, 6, 7, 11 and 12). An intriguing administrative book with regards to the region of assurance of security is the Irish Privacy Bill 2006 which covers every single imaginable part of individual life that can endure an interruption and infringement. For the most part, it has been expressed by Ellis (1993, 85) that ‘British law perceives no legal right to security however The Data Protection Act 1984 was the primary Act to address this
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Answers To Recent Questions!
Answers To Recent Questions! Im kind of confused if we want to commit to MIT, we simply bubble in the appropriate bubble? There is no deposit required? No deposit required! Just be sure to return the MIT Reply Form by May 1st. - The schedule looks fantastic for the kids. There dont seem to be many activities for the parents other than a reception and some financial aid meetings. Not complaining, just want to get the facts straight so that we can plan. Are we free to roam after weve dropped off Junior? Youre free to be just as busy and have just as much fun as Junior! Here are my recommendations for parents: Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm Come meet yours truly at the registration desk! I promise to entertain you! 3:00pm-4:00pm Intro to Housing and Dining. This will be a great overview of the variety of options your son or daughter will have. 4:00pmâ€"5:10pm Learning Abroad Panel. Everything you ever wanted to know about study-abroad (and research-abroad and internship-abroad) opportunities at MIT. 5:30pm-7:15pm Minority Parent Reception. Nance runs this show, and as you all know, Nance never disappoints. 7:30pmâ€"8:45pm Official Welcome for Parents. Perhaps one of the more important things to show up for. ;-) Friday 9:00am-10:30am Presidents Welcome and Faculty Keynote Lecture. 10:30am-11:30am Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Panel. If you (or your son or daughter) are interested in research opportunities for undergrads at MIT, you should definitely check this out. 10:30am-1:00pm Careers Office Open House. Worried about whether or not Junior will be employable with an MIT degree? Fear not after attending this. 10:30am-1:00pm MIT Medical Reception. Come learn about our excellent medical staff and facilities. 1:00pm-3:00pm Student Life and Learning Panel for Parents. This is another one Id put on my must do list. Academics are only one part of an MIT education and this will tell you about much of the rest. 2:00pmâ€"4:00pm Academic/Arts Fair and Athletics Fair. Pretty self-explanatory. 3:00pm-4:00pm Financial Aid and Financial Services Session for Parents. Also pretty self-explanatory. 3:00pm-5:00pm Overview of Campus Dining and TechCASH. You give Junior money (in the form of TechCASH), Junior spends your money. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Come learn the details. 4:00pmâ€"5:00pm Freshman/Alumni Summer Internship Program Panel. Come learn about FASIP! 4:00pmâ€"5:10pm MIT Learning Abroad Panel. (Same as 4PM Thurs.) 4:00pm-5:15pm Introduction to Project Interphase. 5:00pmâ€"6:30pm Parent Reception with Parent Connectors Alumni Association. Future MIT Parents interfacing with Current MIT Parents. Always a huge success every year. 8:30pm-10:00pm Meet the Bloggers. Come meet these guys! Ill save you some ice cream. Saturday 8:30am-10:00am Insights for Parents by Parents. 10:00am-11:00am Panel on Freshman/Alumni Summer Internship Program. (same as 4PM Friday) 10:15am-11:45am Residence Life Advising Panel for Parents. 11:30amâ€"12:30pm Careers Office Pre-Health Panel. Is Junior thinking about a career in medicine? This would be a good one to attend. 12:00pm-2:00pm Housemasters Brunch. Come meet all of the faculty and staff who are brave enough to live in the dorms with your kids! Youll get a sense of what great hands theyll be in. 1:00pm-3:00pm Activities Fair. We have almost 350 student groups! Come learn about them. :-) 2:00pm-5:00pm Residence Open Houses / Tours. MITs various housing options are unique and diverse this is a great way to explore some of them. 5:30pm-8:00pm CPW Closing Remarks and A Cappella Concert. This is where we tell you how much we love you, followed by some of the best a cappella in the country. 8:00pm-11:00pm Marilee and Ben rock the house @ Battle of the Bands. Need I say more? Sunday Whenever. Tear child and/or spouse away from MIT with the promise that she/he can return in the fall. And hopefully youll also find some time in there to explore Boston and Cambridge! - Can I fill in YES on the MIT response sheet and accept a spot on another schools waitlist at the same time? Would this be a violation of the rules (and thus endanger my MIT acceptance)? Thanks! Yes you may this wont violate any rules. We know that some students will accept our offer of admission while remaining on the waitlist for another school. - When will we know who our CPW hosts are? Host matching is taking place as I write this and should be finished in a few days. Your host will likely contact you via email or telephone prior to CPW to arrange meeting up when you arrive, but please dont worry if you dont hear anything prior to arrival! Everyone will get a host. :-) - Any last thoughts? Hey, thanks for asking! My big thought of the day is: CPW IS A WEEK AWAY AND IM PSYCHED OUT OF MY MIND. Seriously, this is my favorite weekend of the year. You guys have no idea what youre in for. :-) Also, true story: more of you have registered to attend CPW than any previous class, and the more the merrier definitely applies to CPW. Its gonna be awesome.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Use Of Ecstasy And Its Effects On Society - 1657 Words
The definition of ecstasy, as defined by Google, is an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement. It is no coincidence that a drug that releases copious amounts of serotonin and dopamine is commonly referred to as ecstasy. With a scientific name of 3,4-Methylenedioxy-Methamphetamine (MDMA), ecstasy is an illicit substance that is commonly used at some parties and dance clubs all around the globe. The immediate effects of the drug cause one’s blood pressure and heart rate to rise to extremely dangerous levels, resulting in a realistic possibility of death. Aside from these catastrophic, biological risks, this drug also has a negative impact on social attitudes and relationships as it becomes increasingly more acceptable among younger generations. However, while it is certainly growing in popularity as time passes, its destructive long-term effects do not gain the similar attention. For those who escape the fatality of this drug, there then comes the risk of i mpairing cognitive functions and altering the brain’s ability to process memories. The use of this devastating drug can be avoided by addressing and analyzing how the substance is used in the first place. Ecstasy may cause inefficient operations of cognition, which is broadly defined as the product of all mental processes. According to a study by J.F. Golding et. al., cognitive functions seem to suffer for current MDMA users. The researchers conducted a study in which they tested light ecstasy users,Show MoreRelatedEcstasy And The Rave Culture Essay911 Words  | 4 PagesEcstasy And The Rave Culture Society today is at its most technologically advanced state with very modernized ways of living, and no doubt these technological advances will continue to grow. As a result drugs and chemicals are far more readily available than ever before in history, especially those of illegal drugs (J.Davies N.Coggans (1991) P.6). This has led to an increase in recreational drug use (drug taking for pleasure). This clearly has implications for healthRead More Ecstasy Essay1188 Words  | 5 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ecstasy, or 3, 4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, was first synthesized and patented in 1914, by the German drug company Merck. The original purpose of the drug was to be an appetite suppressant, however in 1970 it was given to clinical depressed patients to open them up and talk about their feelings. Then in 1986, Ecstasy was determined to cause brain damage (http://faculity.washington.edu/chudler/mdma.html). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ecstasy is used at the party and raveRead MoreFederal And Illegal Drugs : Why Do Americans Make War On Some Drugs And Build Fortunes On Others?1409 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the United States, the use and abuse of legal and illegal drugs is very common. As Rosenberg states in â€Å"In Drugs We Trust: Why Do Americans Make War on Some Drugs and Build Fortunes on Others?†if something is called a drug, people will â€Å"nod their heads, understanding what you mean: You’re deeply attached to it and you can’t live without it, even though you suspect that there’s something wrong with it†(pg.2). The legality of various drugs has changed over time. The definition of a drugRead MoreTeenage Drug Use Essay1181 Words  | 5 PagesDrug Report The problem of teenagers’ drug use, depression and suicide are evident in our society. Family problems can lead to arguments causing depression and isolation which drags a person towards drugs. Drugs can also lead to death as the drug abuse is increasing among teens in the UK. Teenagers do not realise the consequences they will have to face during their lives. The teenager might get into many conflicts with their family and friends which will create more problems and depressionRead MoreOn Raves and Club Drugs1058 Words  | 4 Pagesfind the way to make sense of this whole world. We wanted to choose our way of life against from a prescribed life what our parents and the government tried to push ourselves into. We wanted to go against this emotionally empty lifestyle that the society wanted us to be part of so we found ourselves in this subculture, the rave subculture. After many years of this kind of happiness I asked myself many questions. Where did this come from? How long has it been in this social world? Is it going anywhereRead MoreDrugs And Its Effects On Society1462 Words  | 6 Pagessocial gatherings. These drugs are known as â€Å"club drugs†. The most commonly used substances amongst teens are MDMA (ecstasy, or molly), GHB, and Methamphetamine (meth). The effects of these different drugs vary. Stimulant drugs such as ecstasy and meth affects the hormone in your body, known as serotonin; which controls sleep cycles and the feeling of happiness. Teens often mix ecstasy tablets and alcohol together making the high even more â€Å"enjoyable†(Thompson, 2013). According to teens who have usedRead More Drugs Essays1536 Words  | 7 Pages Drugs nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Drugs have always been a big part of our society. Many issues arise with whether or not some of them should be legalized for medication purposes or if they all should just be kept as illegal. Drugs are a very interesting topic to learn about and discuss. There is so many things that people don’t know and maybe they should. Not everyone is aware of all the risks or what can happen to you if you get caught with them. If you’re ready to hear about five illegal drugsRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol Consumption On Popular Recreational Soft Drugs1446 Words  | 6 PagesThe recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana or ecstasy is less harmful than alcohol consumption and therefore should be decriminalised. When you hear the word drugs, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? A nightclub full of adolescents, hopped up on happy pills, raving until night turns to day, or going down to the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine with dinner? Decriminalising recreational soft drugs is something that cannot be taken lightly, and a decision that can have many negativeRead More Drugs in Our Society Essay1252 Words  | 6 PagesDrugs in Our Society With the use of drugs being such a controversial issue in today’s society we felt as a group it was important to further explore this issue. As we possess a high interest in how drugs affect a number of social groups. These groups of course range from young teens to high-class older individuals who will have different reasons and different acceptable standards of behaviour.           The question that is being explored in our presentation asks what drugs are doing toRead MoreEssay on Should Drug Use Be Decriminalized?824 Words  | 4 PagesShould Drug Use Be Decriminalized? To begin examining this statement, one should first examine what drugs purposes are and if they have a worthy enough purpose to be excepted into society. Drugs such as Marijuana have been legalized for strictly medical purposes only. Marijuana has been found to treat the nausea suffered by cancer patients and also treat the wasting of AIDS patients. Both fatal diseases with no cures. But what effects overall does Marijuana and other
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Annotated Bibliography On Juvenile Crimes Essay - 1353 Words
Attention Step Attention Pathos TIA/Relevancy Credibility Thesis Statement/ Preview of main points INTRODUCTION I. How would you feel if your sister, brother, mom, dad, or anyone close to you were harmed in anyway? How would you feel if you knew the person who committed the crime was a juvenile? II. From an online article published by KARE11 News station, in October in 2016, a 17-year-old boy decided to commit murder to a man and a harmless 7-month-old baby without even thinking. III. We all know there is crime happening among us. Did you ever think that the ones committing the crimes were as young as 10 years old? IV. Over the past few weeks, I have extensively researched juvenile crimes committed in the United States and those crimes committed closer to home, such as here in Indianapolis Indiana. By the end of my speech, I will ask you to come up and take a brochure on juvenile reform. V. Today I will persuade you to take action on the issue of juvenile crimes by explaining why it is a problem, that there is a solution, and the benefits of adopting this solution. Title slide Eye contact Loud voice Calm Pause Main Point 1- Need Step Casual Reasoning Support: Br. Ex. Support: Stats Support: Visual BODY I. Many risk factors tie into juveniles committing crimes and these crimes contribute to the national statistics in the UnitedShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Juvenile Crime And Sentencing1510 Words  | 7 Pages Skip Hollandsworth candidly explores the subjects of juvenile crime and sentencing in the electronic long form newspaper article, â€Å"The Prisoner†. The purpose of the essay is to inform the reader about juvenile sentencing and to persuade the audience that there are clear problems with aspects of the U.S. prison system. The article is easily accessible to a large audience because it is online. Hollandsworth takes into account that his audience, mostly consisting of Texas Monthly readers, may alreadyRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Juvenile Offenders950 Words  | 4 PagesAnnotated Bibliography 1. JUVENILE TRANSFER TO ADULT COURTS A Look at the Prototypes for Dangerousness, Sophistication-Maturity, and Amenability to Treatment Through A Legal Lens http://psycnet.apa.org.ezproxy.liberty.edu:2048/journals/law/8/4/373.html In transferring, a juvenile to adult court there is a certain amount of criteria that needs to be followed. The first criteria is if the juvenile is dangerous to the community, the maturity of the offender, and the psychology findings of the offenderRead MoreIs the Death Penalty an Effective Deterrent?1677 Words  | 7 PagesIs the Death Penalty an Effective Deterrent? Annotated Bibliography PS 223 Forensic Psychology I Research Question: Is the Death Penalty an Effective Deterrent? Honeyman, J. C., Ogloff, J. P. (1996). Capital punishment: Arguments for life and death. Canadian Journal Of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne Des Sciences Du Comportement, 28(1), 27-35. The main purpose of this article was to investigate the effects of the death penalty and theRead MoreEssay about Juveniles Must Accept Responsibility2061 Words  | 9 PagesJuveniles Must Accept Responsibility Are juveniles as under control today as they were in the past? Crime plays a major role in today’s society. The government follows the policy and has always followed the policy that no crime goes unpunished. The controversy that surrounds the United States courtrooms today is whether or not a minor needs to stand trial as an adult for committing a serious offense. These decisions made by the judge or jury in the preliminary hearing affect the rest of theRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Crime And Justice1538 Words  | 7 PagesAnnotated Bibliography on Crime and Justice Crime may simply be referred to as an offense against the state or against morality and is punishable by law, while justice is the fairness practiced during judgment of cases usually in instances where crime has taken place. Crime and justice go hand in hand as commonly evident in a case whereby a criminal is apprehended and taken to a court of law, then a ruling of justice practiced on the case and fairness used in passing of judgments. In most governmentsRead MoreEssay on Recidivism: Prison and Correctional Education1812 Words  | 8 PagesABSTRACT As a result of tough on crime policies and the subsequent war on drugs, the number of individuals involved with criminal justice system continues to rise at alarming rates. Since 1980, the incarceration rate has tripled. 1 in 20 Americans will spend time in prison during their lifespan. The numbers speaks for themselves. Currently there are an estimated 2 million people in U.S. federal and state prisons. Given the unprecedented rise of individuals now involved with the American criminalRead MoreChild Shift1748 Words  | 7 Pagesdevelopment of Jamaican children? Tentative Thesis Child shifting strongly impairs the psycho-social development of Jamaican children which causes their inability to function normally during daily social and psychological situations. â€Æ' Annotated Bibliography Braver, S. L., Ellman, I. M., Fabricius, W. V. (2003). Relocation of children after divorce and children’s best interests: New evidence and legal considerations. 17 (2), 206-219. Arizona State University University of California. The articleRead MoreSpanking Your Children Is Wrong !1554 Words  | 7 Pagestemper or their reactions to children doing things children do. In statistics gathered by the Ark of Hope for Children, â€Å"8% increase arrest rate for violent crimes, 84% of all prison inmates had been abused as a child, 59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested as an adult, 30% more likely to commit violent crime, 65%+ of people in treatment for drug abuse have been maltreated as a child, 25% less likely to practice safe sex, putting them at a greater risk for STD sRead MoreThe Rock And Roll And Juvenile Delinquency3326 Words  | 14 Pages 1950’s Rock and Roll and Juvenile Delinquency Zachary B. Sandefur Texas State University â€Æ' The 1950’s, a time of growth, a time of a technological advancement, a time of a new culture, this was America. Post WWII America was full of joy, full of ambition and overflowing talent that helped develop an amazing period in American history. One important outcome of this decade was the birth of Rock and Roll. Rock and Roll was new, it was hip, but it was also frowned upon by many of the adultRead MoreInvestigation Of Criminal Justice And Corrections1539 Words  | 7 Pagesresearch criminal justice for days as there are so many articles that range from juvenile criminal justice to the flaws that the criminal justice system has. While doing research for this paper I used the university library to search for articles about my career field of criminal justice. There were numerous articles to choose from but I was able to narrow it down to ten articles that were needed for my annotated bibliography. While researching articles, I was able to look at peer reviewed articles
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History And Theory Criticism Anthropology Essay Free Essays
Lancelot Brown who was born in 1716 and died in 1783 was called ‘Capability ‘ because of his ability in recognizing the capablenesss of a landscape. Very high in his twenty-four hours and the demand by the proprietors of most of the baronial estates, we find that his position or repute had started worsening by the start of the 20th century. This was chiefly due to the polemics of those who had revived the captivation of the formal, architectural garden of which he was considered to be the chief destroyer ( Harlin, p93 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on History And Theory Criticism Anthropology Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now His prominence was restored by authors like Christopher Hussey and largely, Dorothy Stroud, who was his biographer during the 1950 and 1960s. Most late garden historiographers such as Tom Williamson and David Jacques have stressed the fact that Brown was merely one of the several 18th century landscape interior decorators, like Adam Mickle, William Emes and Nathaniel Richmond whose work and accomplishments are merely get downing to come into focal point. However, some of these interior decorators began their calling together with Brown. Latest survey, excessively, has stressed that Brown was ne’er a one-person set. He greatly depended on a big group of persons in oversing the execution of his programs and he might be believed to be among the first of all time garden interior decorators to hold something similar to a professional pattern. The accomplishment of his calling comes from his ain extraordinary endowments and the clip in which he lived. It was a clip of great profusion and one of the major marks of wealth was the addition in the size of the landed estates. However, the 18th century, as W. G. Hoskins defines it in ( 1955 ) ‘The Making of the English Landscape ‘ , was really the great age of parliamentary enclosures of the waste land and unfastened Fieldss ; about 1,214,574 hectares were enclosed, in other words passed into private ownership. All through hiss calling he worked on designs for more than two 100 estates, between 1741 ( Stowe ) and 1783 ( Stourton House in Yorkshire ) . The typical description of his characteristic work sums about to a cliche , the park that is surrounded by belts of trees, the bunchs of trees in the unfastened landscape, together with the lake at the cardinal land, ever formed by barricading a steam and usually of a snaky sort so as to look like a river. Not much is known about either the pattern or theory of his trade. He did n’t go forth any theoretical Hagiographas and the few hints of information we have are undependable. In recent old ages, we find that it has been mentioned that Brown besides had great involvement in the pleasance evidences of an estate together with the park. He often designed more or less fancy shrubberies that were near to the house like in the pleasance evidences of Petworth. His work was n’t by and large admired in his clip, Sir William Chambers, the designer every bit good as the garden interior decorator criticized his landscapes in the twelvemonth 1772 due to their small difference from the common Fieldss. Richard Payne Knight, the picturesque apostle, unusually dubbed him as the originator of bald and bald. Nevertheless, Humphry Repton, who so followed in his footfalls, claimed that wishing for grading, so common in all his workingmans: each knoll by them is lowered, and each hollow filled to do a degree surface ( Halliday, p152 ) . Petworth House Petworth House in Petworth, England is a late 17th century manor, reconstruct in 1688 by Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset, and tainted during the 1870s by Anthony Salvin. The topographic point was once occupied by an equipt manor house that was founded by Henry de Percy, the 13th century chapel and the undercroft of which still exist. Today ‘s constructing houses is an indispensable aggregation of sculptures and pictures, which include 19 oil pictures by Turner, some which are owned by the household and some by Tate Britain, who was a usual visitant to Petworth, the pictures by Van Dyck, the carvings by Grinling Gibbons every bit good as Ben Harms, traditional and non-traditional sculptures ( which include even the 1s by John Edward Carew and John Flaxman ) , and wall every bit good as the ceiling pictures by Louis Laguerre. Furthermore, there is besides an earthly Earth by Emery Molyneux, which is believed to be he merely one worldwide in its original 1592 province. This stands in a seven hundred acre landscaped park called Petworth Park, which was good designed by Brown. However, the park is among the more popular in England, mostly on description of several of its images which were painted by Turner. It is occupied by a big herd of fallow cervid in England. There is besides approximately 30 acre forest garden called the Pleasure Ground ( Green, p123 ) . For the last two hundred and 50 old ages, we find that the house and the estate have under the ownership of the Wyndham household. The house and cervid park were given to the province in 1947 and are presently under the direction of the National Trust under the trade name ‘Petworth House and Park. However, the Leconfield Estates besides possess much of the Petworth and the adjacent country. As a expression into the lives of the old estate workers, we find that the Petworth Cottage Museum has been situated in High Street. Petworth House is the place to Petworth House Real Tennis Club. ( Many similar private estates held existent tennis tribunals. ) BlenheimPalace This is a big and big state house located in Woodstock, England. It is really the lone non-episcopal state house in the state to hold the rubric ‘Palace ‘ . The castle which is one of the largest houses in England was constructed between 1705 and 1724. It was accepted and recognized as a UNESCO World heritage Site in the twelvemonth 1987 ( Girouard, p67 ) . However, its building was ab initio intended to be a present to John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough from an appreciative state in return for military triumph against the Bavarians and Gallic at the Battle of Blenheim. Is shortly turned out to be the chief topic of political squabbling, which resulted to Marlborough ‘s expatriate, the autumn from the power of his Duchess, and lasting harm to the position of the Sir John Vanbrugh, the architecture Planned in the rare, and impermanent, English Baroque manner, architectural esteem of the castle is divided today as it was during the 1720s. It is exceeding in its combined usage as a mausoleum, household place, and a national memorial. Furthermore, the castle is besides celebrated as the place of birth and the hereditary place of the Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill ( Turner, p30-32 ) . The mark above the big East gate provides a clear history of the building of the castle, the reading: â€Å" Under the backing of a munificent crowned head this house was constructed for John of Marlborough together with his Duchess Sarah, by Sir J Vanbrugh between 1705 and 1722. The Royal Manor of Woodstock and a grant of two hundred and 40 1000 Euros towards the building of Blenheim, was offered by Her Majesty Queen Anne and approved by act of parliament. †The fact is hat the building of the castle was a minefield of political confederacy, with intriguing on a Machiavellian graduated table by Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Due to the completion of the castle, it has become the place of the Churchill household for the past three hundred old ages, and several members of the household have in that clip produced many alterations, inside gardens and park, whereby some are for the better, others for the worse. At the terminal of the 19th century, the Churchills and the castle were saved from the muss by an American matrimony. Hence, the outside of the castle is still in good fix and precisely as completed. Work cited Turner, R. , Capability Brown and the Eighteenth Century English Landscape. Phillimore, Chichester, 2005, pp.30-32. The book negotiations about Brown and his several parts to the landscape design, including the constitution of many Parkss for the English aristocracy. Particularly 15 of his landscapes ( e.g. , Blenheim ) which are comprehensively covered. Girouard, M. , Life in the English Country House. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2001, p67 The writer teases out these constellations and analyses the several ways the thoughts of subjection and command shaped Romantic artistic signifiers, from the literature and art to architecture and garden design. Green, D. , Blenheim Palace. Oxford: Alden Press. 2002, p123 The book focuses on a extremely original country of enquiry, the urban underworld. It besides offers enormous penetrations into the cultural energies and the stuff flows of the tunnels, cloacas and drains of Paris and London. Halliday, E. , Cultural History of England. London: Thames A ; Hudson. 2004, p152 This book displays the easiness and assurance of person who truly knows her capable. The writer examines the comfy insides of England, the overstuffed chairs and couchs, dark forests, authoritative spiels and the vivacious colourss. Harlin, R. , Historic Houses. London: Conde Nast Publications. 1999, p93 In this book, the writer negotiations about the great architectural memorials in different metropoliss of the universe such as London, Athens and Paris How to cite History And Theory Criticism Anthropology Essay, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Saturday Climbing By Valgardson Essays - Flash, Moirai, Moira
Saturday Climbing By Valgardson At first, after reading Saturday Climbing, I found it just to be a simple plain story. A story about Barry climbing a cliff and having flashed back about his daughter. But when I went over the story a several more times, I notice the cliff is actually representing the relationship between Barry and his daughter, Moira. It was a story that shows a single father perspective towards his daughter. W.D. Valgardson uses much symbolism in his story, Saturday Climbing, to help reader gain a greater understanding of his message. He uses symbolism in two important areas: objects that have symbolic value, and setting, which relates the relation between father and daughter. Many object in Saturday Climbing have important symbolic value. For example, the "chock nut, the wire loop, the carabiner, the rope", represents the relation between Barry and Moira. "Kfragile as they looked, would hold ten times his weight." Like a rope although their relation seems fragile, but it's stronger then it seems. The cliff itself is another important symbol. It shows their relation, as time pass by. "Then, unexpectedly, the surfaces smoothed; the places where he could get a secure hold were spread farther and farther apart." This quotation reflects the difficulty Barry encounters in his role as a working, single-parent of a teenager. Barry's secure hold on the rocks, symbolise his monitoring of his daughter. As Moira becomes more independent, it is harder and harder for Barry to keep watching her and make sure she's safe. Moira is going out late to parties and on dates. Barry can't be with her all day, and therefore can't maintain her security. The secure holds can also symbolise the direction the relationship between Barry and Moira is heading. It seems that they are distancing themselves from each other. Barry has trouble keeping track of what Moira does, and Moira is willing to let Barry into her world by telling him what's going on. "At the same time, the numerous cracks dwindled until there was no place to set any protection." This refers to the dwindling of the relationship. It is beginning to crack, or break apart under the stress and pressure. It also symbolises the aspect of growing up that one becomes more independent. Barry will be able to protect Moira less and less, as she starts to find her own way. When Barry is stuck half way up the cliff, it represents that Barry has encountered a problem with Moira. "If he fall, he would drop twenty-five feet to the piton, then twenty-five feet past it before his rope came taut and held him. There was, because of the elasticity of the rope, a chance that he would ground out." This is also representative of the risks Barry is willing to take for his daughter in order to salvage their relationship. Barry would go to extremes for his daughter. The exert also shows that one fall and it could be all over. This is the case in the climb and it is the same in parenthood. A fall could prove fatal, and would lead to failure. In each situation, Barry is under enormous pressure to succeed. Barry," K set his foot on rough patch that would provide the necessary friction to hold his weight." The relationship between the main characters is tested throughout. It is often pushed to the edge, on the brink of disaster. Even though it may seem bleak, the relationship prevails. Just as Barry seems to be able to get himself out of the predicaments on the climb, the father-daughter relationship has overcome its own obstacles. "His daughter, eighty feet below, seemed so small that Barry felt he could lift her into his arms." Barry still views Moira as being his little girl. She appears small and innocent. She seems too young to be out in the cruel and harsh world. This view of her may never change, but Barry's level of acceptance of Moira's independence will. "From time to time, she paused to pull loose the chock nuts and pitons her father had left behind." By pulling out the pitons and chock nuts, Moira is saying metaphorically, that she doesn't require her father's protection. She wants to handle things on her own, and take on obstacles (such as school) by herself too. "For a moment, he suffered vertigo, and the cliff seemed to sway as if in an earthquake." This is symbolic of the fact that Barry is afraid to go on because of the uncertainty that surrounds the future (especially
Friday, March 20, 2020
Winter at Valley Forge in the American Revolution
Winter at Valley Forge in the American Revolution The encampment at Valley Forge took place from December 19, 1777 through June 19, 1778 and served as winter quarters for General George Washingtons Continental Army. Having suffered a string of defeats that fall, including losing the capital of Philadelphia to the British, the Americans made camp for the winter outside of the city. While at Valley Forge, the army endured a chronic supply crisis but largely remained as well fed and clothed as it did during the previous campaigning season. During the winter, it benefited from the arrival of Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben who implemented a new training regimen which transformed the men in the ranks from inexperienced amateurs into disciplined soldiers capable of standing up against the British. When Washingtons men departed in June 1778, they were an improved army from the one that had arrived months earlier. A Difficult Autumn In the fall of 1777, Washingtons army moved south from New Jersey to defend the capital of Philadelphia from the advancing forces of General William Howe. Clashing at Brandywine on September 11, Washington was decisively defeated, leading the Continental Congress to flee the city. Fifteen days later, after outmaneuvering Washington, Howe entered Philadelphia unopposed. Seeking to regain the initiative, Washington struck at Germantown on October 4. In a hard-fought battle, the Americans came close to victory but again suffered defeat. Selecting a Site With the campaign season ending and cold weather rapidly approaching, Washington moved his army into winter quarters. For his winter encampment, Washington selected Valley Forge on the Schuylkill River approximately 20 miles northwest of Philadelphia. With its high ground and position near the river, Valley Forge was easily defensible, but still close enough to the city for Washington to maintain pressure on the British. The location also allowed the Americans to prevent Howes men from raiding into the Pennsylvania interior as well as could provide the launching point for a winter campaign. Additionally, the location next to the Schuylkill worked to facilitate the movement of supplies. Despite the defeats of the fall, the 12,000 men of the Continental Army were in good spirits when they marched into Valley Forge on December 19, 1777. Reconstructed army huts at Valley Forge. Photograph  © 2008 Patricia A. Hickman Housing Under the direction of the armys engineers, the men began constructing over 2,000 log huts laid out along military streets. These were erected using lumber from the regions abundant forests and typically took a week to build. With the arrival of spring, Washington directed that two windows be added to each hut. In addition, defensive trenches and five redoubts were built to protect the encampment. To facilitate re-supply of the army, a bridge was erected over the Schuylkill. The winter at Valley Forge generally conjures images of half-naked, starving soldiers battling the elements. This was not the case. This imagery is largely the result of early, romanticized interpretations of the encampment story which were meant to serve as a parable about American perseverance. Supplies Though far from ideal, the conditions of the encampment were generally on par with the Continental soldiers routine privations. During the early months of the encampment, supplies and provisions were scarce, but available. Soldiers made due with subsistence meals such as firecake, a mixture of water and flour. This would sometimes be supplemented by pepper pot soup, a stew of beef tripe and vegetables. The situation improved in February following a visit to the camp by members of Congress and successful lobbying by Washington. While a lack of clothing caused suffering among some the men, many were fully uniformed with the best equipped units used for foraging and patrols. During the early months at Valley Forge, Washington lobbied to improve the armys supply situation with some success. Statue of Brigadier General Anthony Wayne at Valley Forge. Photograph  © 2008 Patricia A. Hickman To supplement those supplies received from Congress, Washington sent Brigadier General Anthony Wayne to New Jersey in February 1778, to gather food and cattle for the men. A month later, Wayne returned with 50 head of cattle and 30 horses. With the arrival of warmer weather in March, disease began strike at the army. Over the next three months, influenza, typhus, typhoid, and dysentery all erupted within the encampment. Of the 2,000 men who died at Valley Forge, over two-thirds were killed by disease. These outbreaks were eventually contained through sanitation regulations, inoculations, and the work of surgeons. Drilling with von Steuben: On February 23, 1778, Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben arrived in the camp. A former member of the Prussian General Staff, von Steuben had been recruited to the American cause in Paris by Benjamin Franklin. Accepted by Washington, von Steuben was put to work designing a training program for the army. He was aided in this task by Major General Nathanael Greene and Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton. Though he spoke no English, von Steuben commenced his program in March with the aid of interpreters. Beginning with a model company of 100 chosen men, von Steuben instructed them in drill, maneuver, and a simplified manual of arms. These 100 men were in turn sent out to other units to repeat the process and so on until the entire army was trained. In addition, von Steuben introduced a system of progressive training for recruits which educated them in the basics of soldiering. Statue of Baron von Steuben at Valley Forge. Photograph  © 2008 Patricia A. Hickman Surveying the encampment, von Steuben greatly improved sanitation by reorganizing the camp. This included the repositioning kitchens and latrines ensure they were on the opposites ends of the camp and the latter on the downhill side. His efforts so impressed Washington that Congress appointed inspector general for the army on May 5. The results of von Steubens training were immediately evident at Barren Hill (May 20) and the Battle of Monmouth (June 28). In both cases, the Continental soldiers stood up to and fought on equal footing with the British professionals. Departure Though the winter at Valley Forge had been trying for both the men and the leadership, the Continental Army emerged as a stronger fighting force. Washington, having survived various intrigues, such as the Conway Cabal, to remove him from command, cemented himself as the armys military and spiritual leader, while the men, stiffened by von Steuben, were superior soldiers to those that had arrived in December 1777. On May 6, 1778, the army held celebrations for the announcement of the alliance with France. These saw military demonstrations across the camp and the firing of artillery salutes. This change in the course of the war, prompted the British to evacuate Philadelphia and return to New York. Hearing of the British departure from the city, Washington and the army left Valley Forge in pursuit on June 19. Leaving some men, led by the injured Major General Benedict Arnold, to re-occupy Philadelphia, Washington led the army across the Delaware into New Jersey. Nine days later, the Continental Army intercepted the British at the Battle of Monmouth. Fighting through extreme heat, the armys training showed as it battled the British to a draw. At its next major encounter, the Battle of Yorktown, it would be victorious. General George Washingtons headquarters at Valley Forge. Photograph  © 2008 Patricia A. Hickman
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Wayside and Waste Side
Wayside and Waste Side Wayside and Waste Side Wayside and Waste Side By Maeve Maddox One of the many meanings of the English noun way is, â€Å"a thoroughfare used or designed for traveling or transportation from place to place.†Roman legions travelled along the Appian Way. Shakespeare’s Autolycus sang, Jog on, jog on, the foot-path way, And merrily hent the stile-a: A merry heart goes all the day, Your sad tires in a mile-a. The Winter’s Tale, IV.3. Even now we drive along highways and perhaps hike along byways. The land that runs along these â€Å"ways†is called the wayside. The expression â€Å"to fall by the wayside†probably came into English from the parable of the sower: A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. Luke 8:5, KJV. The idea is that anyone or anything that â€Å"falls by the wayside†has failed to accomplish its purpose. Nowadays, speakers who don’t seem to know the word wayside talk about â€Å"falling by the waste side.†Like those who still say wayside, they are referring to the area along a road or highway, butdoubtless because of all the litter that accumulates therethe eggcorn â€Å"waste side†makes sense to them. The expression has made its appearance in pop lyrics: When you got big dreams, keep your eyes on the prize Dont fall to the waste side, reach for the sky Dont bother wasting my time, you’re falling down by the waste side. Falling down by the waste side It’s not just songwriters who are mixed up: Senator [Royce] West added that, It was not his intent or those members who have coauthored SB 1419 and those who lent their efforts to the creation of this bill, to attempt to maintain or increase the pool of eligible applicants for admissions, admit them, and then have them fall by the waste side. From the Office of State Senator Royce West, District 23 (Texas). Note: Carpenters aptly talk about the â€Å"waste side†of a saw blade. It’s the side away from a section of wood being cut. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:16 Substitutes for â€Å"Because†or â€Å"Because Of†Does "Mr" Take a Period?The Difference Between "Un-" and "Dis-"
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Violence against women in horror films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Violence against women in horror films - Essay Example The story of the group of young men who go to the picnic and accidentally find the abandoned place, called Wolf Creek, and trying to escape the place in their broken car, ask a driver, whom they meet, to take them to the place where they can fix their car and come back home. The man does not take them to the necessary place, and waking up in the morning, one of the girls finds herself tied with the rope, while the other one is tortured by the unknown man. The scenes of cruelty towards the girl are terrible, but yet it appears that they attract people's attention - the statement that the movie is based on the real events becomes the additional diver for those who unconsciously like to watch the scenes of violence; but the question here is not simply violence, but violence against women, and Wolf Creek becomes one of the numerous movies, in which a woman is subjected to various sophisticated tortures, finally bringing pleasure to those who watch it. The plot is simple, and watching it the thought occurs, that in order to show violence against women on the screen, there is no real need in plot, - violence scenes are enough to make the movie popular and financially profitable. The film describes the group of friends which goes out to the picnic (haven't you noticed anything similar with the film described above), next to the abandoned farm house. The house is inhabited by a Leatherface maniac, who cuts people with his chainsaw into pieces as soon as they enter the house. Sally, the main character, manages to escape, but the second half of the movie she is constantly followed and threatened by the Leatherface - despite her successful escape she appears in the hands of the Leatherface family members, who torture her in different ways. Simultaneously, her girl-friend Pam, with whom they had been on picnic, dies through a terrible death, being cackled into her head to death by a hen. Violence against women It is interesting to note, that most violence in the horror movies appears to be against women. We often don't notice this fact, but the violence against men is often concealed, while the facts of violence against women are intentionally shown, being depicted in details and very brightly. Thus, in Chainsaw Massacre the deaths of Sally's male friends are not really bright, and are mostly displayed in darkness, without any bright details, and movements which might pay special attention to the screen, while the death of Pam (terrible, I should say) and the tortures, through which Sally has to go, take the bigger portion of the movie. In Wolf Creek, we don't really witness the male going through any kind of tortures, while the girls are depicted in their wildest cries and sufferings. What is the core motives and essential drivers of such high popularity for these movies I might assume, and this will probably be right, that of course, sexual inequality is the most significant hidden moti ve of such movies. From the psychological point of view, and as Clover (1992) puts it, a man was always striving for protecting a woman from other men. This is the move and motive, which often allows a man to sexually possess a woman; simultaneously, the violence which a man displays against a woman, becomes another proof of his power and makes a woman not superior, but inferior (the equality in positions is rejected as well). The violence, which the man in
Monday, February 3, 2020
Detailed analysis of a chosen photograph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Detailed analysis of a chosen photograph - Essay Example The photographer is sharing the piece of his perceptional reality with the audience. The ship in the middle of the river is always journeying towards the home. Formal Elements: The picture â€Å"Rowing Home the Schoof-stuff†is an attempt of Peter Henry Emerson to widen the human vision with the depiction of a sole human existence in the wider scope of a scene (depicting the long life of a laborer). Emerson used selective focus to intensify the idea of weariness and loneliness of a laborer on his way home. The use of platinum printing is to fade away any bright toning and to add a more infused mood to create an impressionistic image. The image, like many other images following naturalism rules, did not use light, posturing and pretension. The concepts of retouching and the scientific elements that forego naturalist ideals of a scene are not used. The picture is innovative in creating and promoting impressionistic vision to be identified and followed by successors of Peterson. Historical Analysis The picture is taken by Emerson in 1886 as a part of his naturalist photography. Emerson was known as the leader of the Photographic Naturalistic movement. His idea was to present photographs in their originality without reducing the legitimacy of any image using the scientific techniques of blurring a tone, increasing the light or over-emphasizing on some aspects by clever tools rather than artistic focus. He believed in using the camera as a tool of capturing the details and was against the fragmentation of the natural scenes scientifically. The picture under consideration is a strong evidence of how naturalist movement believed photography to be. The picture is not fragmented or faked but rather used camera focus to omit or include details as required. The wider, calm and human-less background automatically turn the focus of the viewer to the laborer heading back. The wider scope of the picture is to show the extent of a laborer’s long and lone journey. Peterson, indeed, captured this image with an idea of showing the wider background without any being interrupting to the exposure of loneliness and tiresome journey of the laborer. Social and Artistic Analysis The image of a ship that is sailing in the sea is indeed an attempt to shed some light on the nature of lives that naval professionals opt. The humanistic approach towards an existence of a soldier is a unique one and provides a great deal of insights in soldier’s life. The embedded message in the image communicates the need of caution for those who have their families in the grasp. The people are strongly recommended to hold on to their loved ones while they can because whether or not one like the assumption of death. The death has the profound power to take one’s closed ones in a blink of an eye. The black and white context of the picture conveys hopelessness and depression of the crew that is looking to get home while; their distance from their loved ones is effectively communicated with the help of black and white color scheme of the picture. Additionally, the featured image captured a ship that is looking at dusk that its crew has to spend away from their families and friends. The human need to long for the closed ones is prominently evident in the image (Gidley 1994). The ships are customarily expected to throw the dead ones that meet their demise during the journey. The crewmen are aware of that fact and therefore, feared by the probability of death that might cause them to die away from the family. All of the humans
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Power of Critical Theory for Adult Learning and Teaching
Power of Critical Theory for Adult Learning and Teaching Unmasking Power Stephen Brookfield in the Power of Critical Theory for Adult Learning and Teaching, OUP Maidenhead 2005 Brookfields chapter on the unmasking of power leads him immediately to consideration of the French theorist, Michel Foucault, by whom he was first introduced to the concept of regimes of truth: the types of discourse which it (society) accepts and makes function as true (Foucault). Regimes of truth operate to lull teachers into believing they are operating in a power free setting. Brookfield uses Foucaults description of power to explore the paradox that apparently emancipatory adult education practices can contain oppressive dimensions. Brookfield rebrands Foucault as a critical theorist on two grounds, firstly that he focuses, in a Marxian fashion, on how existing power relations reproduce themselves and secondly, that he is self-critical about his own theoretical formulations of power. I quote Marx without saying so. (Foucault). However, Foucault did not see power only as being imposed from above by a dominant elite. Using the analogy of the connections made by synapses, power is seen as flowing throughout the social body. We are all implicated in the exercise of power, even we do not believe we possess it. Fundamental to Foucaults analysis of power is the idea of disciplinary power which is malevolently attentive to our every move and which is constantly exercised by means of surveillance exemplified by a panopticon. Brookfield balances this analysis of power with what Foucault sees as its necessary corollary, resistance. Like power, resistance can be found in multiple places and can be integrated in global strategies. One example given of this is how oppositional groups can use the internet to organise effectively. Foucault himself was deeply involved in contravening the status quo because he believed in essence that theory is practice. Looking at the world we now inhabit, it is clear that the all-seeing operation control centres in new prisons are replicated in many other areas of our lives including education, social services and workplaces. Foucaults concept that surveillance is permanent in its effects, even if it is discontinuous in its action, strikes a very sombre chord, particularly as we are voluntarily submitting ourselves, more and more, to such surveillance through the use of social media. Images and comments from decades ago can be retrieved with ease. We may have moved on, but what we did or said is frozen in time, ready to be immediately defrosted at a touch of a search button. Within education, opportunities for asynchronous learning through virtual learning environments can in fact be perfect weapons of surveillance used to assess the apparent engagement of the learner with the materials provided. The idea that we can derive pleasure from disciplining ourselves is disturbing, but it rings true. Brookfield makes an association between this and Gramscis notion of most peoples willingness happily to embrace ideas, value and interests which actually work against our freedom. Brookfield applies Foucaults ideas across a number of staple items in the adult educators toolkit: learning journals, learning contracts and discussion groups, and shows how such techniques, which we adopt unquestioningly, can inadvertently reinforce the discriminatory practices we seek to challenge. The effect of disciplinary power on education resonated with me. Far from the mutuality that pervades the relationship of a voluntary tutor with a 1:1 student or the collaborative learning in small groups, the drive for perpetual assessment and indicative content of courses drives tutors to assign individual projects so that collaborative projects are seen as a plagiaristic diversion of the intellectually weak. Similarly the discrete tests which make up the awards system serve technological rather than educational ends. That simply is not the way learning happens. Brookfields example of changing seating practices made an impression on me. Despite the unquestioning belief on the part of many adult educators that it has an equalising effect, in fact such actions do not magically do away with power, but rather displace it and reconfigure it. Circular seating can be intimidating, too open and too exposed and thus not necessarily less oppressive. Word count: 653
Friday, January 17, 2020
Marketing Reasearch Topshop Essay
Many organisations use marketing research to contribute to the development of their businesses because Market research can improve marketing strategies. Market research gives you concrete feedback regarding the product or service. You can use the information from market studies in your marketing strategy to define your target market, position your product, and price it appropriately. TOPSHOP is one of the world’s most internationally recognized fashion design talent schemes its part of the Arcadia Group, which owns a number of other retail outlets, it seems to be the single biggest supporter of emerging design talent in the UK. Arcadia Group ones over than 500 stores in more than 30 markets, supporting franchisees. Retail is a popular market as many new designers and stores are always popping Using marketing research is the most common kind of research as you can determine your market how you need to brand your product. Also finding competitors can be very useful when selling similar products for example a very popular fashion necessity like leggings. These leather leggings are popular in London at the moment and many stores are selling them however as TOPSHOP is such a popular brand people would rather spend  £33 at TOPSHOP then  £12.99 at a more basic store even with the significant price difference. This shows the importance of market research and branding, TOPSHOP’s reputation and brand awareness allows them to sell product at a higher price than other market competitors. Both products are made from the same material 100% Polyurethane but TOPSHOPS modifies the basic shape by adding multiple seams and a metal zipper, this adds a more fashionable twist then other companies which then allow TOPSHOP’s marketing team to increase the price to beat competitors. Topshop is a British clothes retailer specialized in women’s clothing and fashion accessories. Topshop started life in 1964 as Peter Robinson’s Topshop. By the 1970s Topshop had the first stand-alone store which was opened in 1974 however in 1994 the brand began to grow and set up at 214 Oxford Store. TOPSHOP first had a reputation of being a tacky low price clothing outlet. As the brand started growing they created TOPSHOP ‘plus’ to appeal to a larger market and compete with potential market competitors, which has now earned the fame of now leading fashion retailer. This success is owed to market strategy made in 1994 by going upscale. TOPSHOP ‘plus’ products will arrive first in the market and will be of high quality and very low comparative price. TOPSHOP plus stock up to date fashion clothes and accessories before any of its competitors does in the market because of the brand status many sellers want to work with TOPSHOP as they have so much publicity and celebrity endorsement. The endorsement from the British super model Kate Moss acted to strengthen Top Shop’s image as being first class in fashion clothing additionally the collection arrived in stores, designed to capture the models’ unique sense of style, Kate Moss for Top shop was one of the most hotly anticipated high street collaborations. Over time, TOPSHOP will come to be known not only as just the fashion accessory provider but much rather a trend setter especially with its in-house designer brands and those exclusively introduced and introduced by fashion industry leaders. Due to its various marketing efforts, innovations in the business and exclusive services for its customers, it is now the biggest and the most differentiated name in the fashion industry especially when it comes to retailers in the field.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
My Personal Philosophy Of Education - 1152 Words
Introduction My personal philosophy of education relies on the fundamental belief that every individual has inherent value, therefore designating education as an environment where students may grow in their self-worth through academic and relational support. Thus, the purpose of education is to provide individuals with the opportunity to learn about both content and about self, growing in their identity. Within this personal philosophy of education, I will further detail the aim of education, the role of the teacher and methods of education that achieve these. Justification will be provided in the form of supporting theorists: Maria Montessori, Parker Palmer, John Dewey and Nel Noddings. Furthermore, theories proposed by Plato and John†¦show more content†¦Thus, I prioritise a relational educational environment over strict content learning with the ultimate aspiration that students leave school with a sense of identity and a recognition of potential. Montessori holds this preference also as she argues for the significance of cultivating a supportive, structured learning environment in order to encourage a student and their learning (Gutek, 2001). Therefore, the aim of education is to create a setting in which students feel valued as this leads to further engagement with their learning. As Parker Palmer argues: when a child feels valued, they feel that their learning is being valued also (Johnson, 2008d). Parker primarily suggests this through his ultimate goal for education, the notion of realising and maintaining an ‘authentic self’ (Johnson, 2008d). A student’s engagement with content, therefore, is secondary to their recognition and development of values particularly with regards to self-value. In this way, content learning is supported by relational education environments. The advantage of this is evident as students thus come to know â€Å"reality by being in community with it†(Palmer, as cited in Johnson, 2008d, p. 292). Therefore, the notion of developing self-worth holds significance beyond the educational realm and is applicable to real-lifeShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education1046 Words  | 5 Pagesmanipulate the information for their own use in the future. Choosing between the four, I would say my philosophical views line up more as an essentialist. My philosophy of education, is that every teacher and student has an environment where they are challenged, yet still encouraged, in their instructional matter and teaching and learning strategies to prepare them to meet the goals set upon them. A philosophy is a search for wisdom in a particular area; it builds a framework of thinking, and guides instructionalRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education997 Words  | 4 Pages Philosophy of Education Discovering the place where personal values and expertise meet organizational values and needs offers a dynamic partnership opportunity. Mutual achievement of organizational academic quality and professional fulfillment provides a positive learning environment. Developing a personal philosophy of education enables an educator to understand and communicate the underlying basis for his or her approach to education. Sharing this philosophy provides valuable information forRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education1476 Words  | 6 Pages871 Foundations of Higher Education Summer 2015 Instructor: Joel Abaya, PhD Personal Philosophy of Education Submitted by: Wessam Elamawy . Personal Philosophy of Education Introduction: From the very beginning of my life I recognized the importance of higher education. I am 34 years old. I am Egyptian. I was born in a highly educated family . My father earned a Ph.D. in chemistry. My uncle earned a Ph.D. in Engineering . My aunt is a doctor. My grandparents were highly educatedRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy of Education958 Words  | 4 PagesMy Personal Philosophy of Education It is customary that on New Year’s Eve, we make New Year resolution. The fact is that we are making a set of guideline that we want to live by. These are motives that we seek to achieve. In a similar way, teachers live by philosophy. This essay focuses on my personal philosophy of education. It unfolds the function of philosophy in a teacher’s life, my view on the purpose of education, the student teacher- relationship and the philosophy which influences myRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy : My Philosophy Of Education1844 Words  | 8 PagesMy philosophy of education is romanticism. 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The first reason has been my parents influenceRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education966 Words  | 4 Pages Personal Philosophy of Education Allyson C. Taylor EDUC 542 Dr. M. Derrick Regent University The definition of curriculum can be as mysterious as the curriculum itself. Oliva (2013) described the hunt for the curriculum as being similar to â€Å"efforts to track down Bigfoot, the Bear Lake Monster, [and] the Florida Everglades Skunk Ape †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg. 2). All of these elusive beings have left tracks, yet there isn’t a single photograph to prove their existenceâ€â€just likeRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education1335 Words  | 6 Pagesteaching style in the â€Å"Finding Your Philosophy of Education Quiz.†While I enjoyed learning about the different philosophies and psychological influences of teaching, I prefer constructivism, social reconstruction, and progressivism due to their student-centered learning, hands-on or project based learning style, while making efforts to improve the world around them. I will be discussing why I chose progressivism, social reconstruction, and constructivism as my preferences, as well as the role ofRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education873 Words  | 4 Pagesis a meaningful education? Throughout time many philosopher and educators have pondered on this question, leading to the development of theories and concepts that are present in the classroom today. In my personal experience, an educator philosophy is built over a course of time which is based on their knowledge and experience. An educator belief system is like a river, it changes and matures throughout its course, bending and changing as it progresses. Throughout the course of my educational careerRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Education1244 Words  | 5 Pages before diving into a classroom, a teacher can have time to develop and broaden their philosophy of teachingâ€â€be prepared before they take that fatal plunge. So, in order to be best prepared for my future endeavors as an educator, I believe it is in my best interest to lay out a personal philosophy of educationâ€â€a lay out that will aid me in times of need and a way to gauge change, progress, and growth through my Simpson College career. In doing so I will be prepared to be the best educator as I will
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Effectiveness Of Performance Enhancing Drugs - 3508 Words
Lance Armstrong is known for the unmatched ability in the cyclist community, holding seven consecutive titles from 1999 to 2005. Armstrong’s success has gone above and beyond any other cyclist, but what is his antidote for success? After a short retirement and seven titles Armstrong returned to his loved sport. This didn’t go over too well with his teammates and other competitors. A former teammate of Armstrong’s, along with several other cyclist, testified against Armstrong for the use of performance enhancing drugs. If it was not for the testimonies of these cyclists Armstrong would be innocent without a second thought. This is the man who won seven titles without testing positive once in any of them, proving that performance enhancing drug tests have little value in preventing performance enhancers. Armstrong is one of many people who cheated their way around drug tests to beat the system, proving performance enhancing drug testing is a flawed system that nee ds to be taken out of professional sports. The use of performance-enhancing drugs goes back decades, and possibly all the way to the first olympic games. The article â€Å"History of Steroids,†says that the first olympic athletes would ingest animal testicals prior to competition. It is doubtful that these athletes understood their actions, but they were headed in the right direction. The thought of ingesting testicals may sound unpleasent to many, but for elite athletes this gives them an edge that must be takenShow MoreRelatedPro Doping in Sports Debate825 Words  | 4 Pageseach of us ought to be free to assume risks that we think are worth taking, shouldnt athletes have the same freedom as anyone else? 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