Friday, May 22, 2020
The Use Of Ecstasy And Its Effects On Society - 1657 Words
The definition of ecstasy, as defined by Google, is an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement. It is no coincidence that a drug that releases copious amounts of serotonin and dopamine is commonly referred to as ecstasy. With a scientific name of 3,4-Methylenedioxy-Methamphetamine (MDMA), ecstasy is an illicit substance that is commonly used at some parties and dance clubs all around the globe. The immediate effects of the drug cause one’s blood pressure and heart rate to rise to extremely dangerous levels, resulting in a realistic possibility of death. Aside from these catastrophic, biological risks, this drug also has a negative impact on social attitudes and relationships as it becomes increasingly more acceptable among younger generations. However, while it is certainly growing in popularity as time passes, its destructive long-term effects do not gain the similar attention. For those who escape the fatality of this drug, there then comes the risk of i mpairing cognitive functions and altering the brain’s ability to process memories. The use of this devastating drug can be avoided by addressing and analyzing how the substance is used in the first place. Ecstasy may cause inefficient operations of cognition, which is broadly defined as the product of all mental processes. According to a study by J.F. Golding et. al., cognitive functions seem to suffer for current MDMA users. The researchers conducted a study in which they tested light ecstasy users,Show MoreRelatedEcstasy And The Rave Culture Essay911 Words  | 4 PagesEcstasy And The Rave Culture Society today is at its most technologically advanced state with very modernized ways of living, and no doubt these technological advances will continue to grow. 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