Friday, May 22, 2020
The Use Of Ecstasy And Its Effects On Society - 1657 Words
The definition of ecstasy, as defined by Google, is an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement. It is no coincidence that a drug that releases copious amounts of serotonin and dopamine is commonly referred to as ecstasy. With a scientific name of 3,4-Methylenedioxy-Methamphetamine (MDMA), ecstasy is an illicit substance that is commonly used at some parties and dance clubs all around the globe. The immediate effects of the drug cause one’s blood pressure and heart rate to rise to extremely dangerous levels, resulting in a realistic possibility of death. Aside from these catastrophic, biological risks, this drug also has a negative impact on social attitudes and relationships as it becomes increasingly more acceptable among younger generations. However, while it is certainly growing in popularity as time passes, its destructive long-term effects do not gain the similar attention. For those who escape the fatality of this drug, there then comes the risk of i mpairing cognitive functions and altering the brain’s ability to process memories. The use of this devastating drug can be avoided by addressing and analyzing how the substance is used in the first place. Ecstasy may cause inefficient operations of cognition, which is broadly defined as the product of all mental processes. According to a study by J.F. Golding et. al., cognitive functions seem to suffer for current MDMA users. The researchers conducted a study in which they tested light ecstasy users,Show MoreRelatedEcstasy And The Rave Culture Essay911 Words  | 4 PagesEcstasy And The Rave Culture Society today is at its most technologically advanced state with very modernized ways of living, and no doubt these technological advances will continue to grow. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Annotated Bibliography On Juvenile Crimes Essay - 1353 Words
Attention Step Attention Pathos TIA/Relevancy Credibility Thesis Statement/ Preview of main points INTRODUCTION I. How would you feel if your sister, brother, mom, dad, or anyone close to you were harmed in anyway? How would you feel if you knew the person who committed the crime was a juvenile? II. From an online article published by KARE11 News station, in October in 2016, a 17-year-old boy decided to commit murder to a man and a harmless 7-month-old baby without even thinking. III. We all know there is crime happening among us. Did you ever think that the ones committing the crimes were as young as 10 years old? IV. Over the past few weeks, I have extensively researched juvenile crimes committed in the United States and those crimes committed closer to home, such as here in Indianapolis Indiana. By the end of my speech, I will ask you to come up and take a brochure on juvenile reform. V. Today I will persuade you to take action on the issue of juvenile crimes by explaining why it is a problem, that there is a solution, and the benefits of adopting this solution. Title slide Eye contact Loud voice Calm Pause Main Point 1- Need Step Casual Reasoning Support: Br. Ex. Support: Stats Support: Visual BODY I. Many risk factors tie into juveniles committing crimes and these crimes contribute to the national statistics in the UnitedShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Juvenile Crime And Sentencing1510 Words  | 7 Pages Skip Hollandsworth candidly explores the subjects of juvenile crime and sentencing in the electronic long form newspaper article, â€Å"The Prisoner†. The purpose of the essay is to inform the reader about juvenile sentencing and to persuade the audience that there are clear problems with aspects of the U.S. prison system. The article is easily accessible to a large audience because it is online. Hollandsworth takes into account that his audience, mostly consisting of Texas Monthly readers, may alreadyRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Juvenile Offenders950 Words  | 4 PagesAnnotated Bibliography 1. JUVENILE TRANSFER TO ADULT COURTS A Look at the Prototypes for Dangerousness, Sophistication-Maturity, and Amenability to Treatment Through A Legal Lens In transferring, a juvenile to adult court there is a certain amount of criteria that needs to be followed. The first criteria is if the juvenile is dangerous to the community, the maturity of the offender, and the psychology findings of the offenderRead MoreIs the Death Penalty an Effective Deterrent?1677 Words  | 7 PagesIs the Death Penalty an Effective Deterrent? Annotated Bibliography PS 223 Forensic Psychology I Research Question: Is the Death Penalty an Effective Deterrent? Honeyman, J. C., Ogloff, J. P. (1996). Capital punishment: Arguments for life and death. Canadian Journal Of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne Des Sciences Du Comportement, 28(1), 27-35. The main purpose of this article was to investigate the effects of the death penalty and theRead MoreEssay about Juveniles Must Accept Responsibility2061 Words  | 9 PagesJuveniles Must Accept Responsibility Are juveniles as under control today as they were in the past? Crime plays a major role in today’s society. The government follows the policy and has always followed the policy that no crime goes unpunished. The controversy that surrounds the United States courtrooms today is whether or not a minor needs to stand trial as an adult for committing a serious offense. 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Since 1980, the incarceration rate has tripled. 1 in 20 Americans will spend time in prison during their lifespan. The numbers speaks for themselves. Currently there are an estimated 2 million people in U.S. federal and state prisons. Given the unprecedented rise of individuals now involved with the American criminalRead MoreChild Shift1748 Words  | 7 Pagesdevelopment of Jamaican children? Tentative Thesis Child shifting strongly impairs the psycho-social development of Jamaican children which causes their inability to function normally during daily social and psychological situations. â€Æ' Annotated Bibliography Braver, S. L., Ellman, I. M., Fabricius, W. V. (2003). Relocation of children after divorce and children’s best interests: New evidence and legal considerations. 17 (2), 206-219. Arizona State University University of California. The articleRead MoreSpanking Your Children Is Wrong !1554 Words  | 7 Pagestemper or their reactions to children doing things children do. In statistics gathered by the Ark of Hope for Children, â€Å"8% increase arrest rate for violent crimes, 84% of all prison inmates had been abused as a child, 59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested as an adult, 30% more likely to commit violent crime, 65%+ of people in treatment for drug abuse have been maltreated as a child, 25% less likely to practice safe sex, putting them at a greater risk for STD sRead MoreThe Rock And Roll And Juvenile Delinquency3326 Words  | 14 Pages 1950’s Rock and Roll and Juvenile Delinquency Zachary B. Sandefur Texas State University â€Æ' The 1950’s, a time of growth, a time of a technological advancement, a time of a new culture, this was America. Post WWII America was full of joy, full of ambition and overflowing talent that helped develop an amazing period in American history. One important outcome of this decade was the birth of Rock and Roll. Rock and Roll was new, it was hip, but it was also frowned upon by many of the adultRead MoreInvestigation Of Criminal Justice And Corrections1539 Words  | 7 Pagesresearch criminal justice for days as there are so many articles that range from juvenile criminal justice to the flaws that the criminal justice system has. While doing research for this paper I used the university library to search for articles about my career field of criminal justice. There were numerous articles to choose from but I was able to narrow it down to ten articles that were needed for my annotated bibliography. While researching articles, I was able to look at peer reviewed articles
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
History And Theory Criticism Anthropology Essay Free Essays
Lancelot Brown who was born in 1716 and died in 1783 was called ‘Capability ‘ because of his ability in recognizing the capablenesss of a landscape. Very high in his twenty-four hours and the demand by the proprietors of most of the baronial estates, we find that his position or repute had started worsening by the start of the 20th century. This was chiefly due to the polemics of those who had revived the captivation of the formal, architectural garden of which he was considered to be the chief destroyer ( Harlin, p93 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on History And Theory Criticism Anthropology Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now His prominence was restored by authors like Christopher Hussey and largely, Dorothy Stroud, who was his biographer during the 1950 and 1960s. Most late garden historiographers such as Tom Williamson and David Jacques have stressed the fact that Brown was merely one of the several 18th century landscape interior decorators, like Adam Mickle, William Emes and Nathaniel Richmond whose work and accomplishments are merely get downing to come into focal point. However, some of these interior decorators began their calling together with Brown. Latest survey, excessively, has stressed that Brown was ne’er a one-person set. He greatly depended on a big group of persons in oversing the execution of his programs and he might be believed to be among the first of all time garden interior decorators to hold something similar to a professional pattern. The accomplishment of his calling comes from his ain extraordinary endowments and the clip in which he lived. It was a clip of great profusion and one of the major marks of wealth was the addition in the size of the landed estates. However, the 18th century, as W. G. Hoskins defines it in ( 1955 ) ‘The Making of the English Landscape ‘ , was really the great age of parliamentary enclosures of the waste land and unfastened Fieldss ; about 1,214,574 hectares were enclosed, in other words passed into private ownership. All through hiss calling he worked on designs for more than two 100 estates, between 1741 ( Stowe ) and 1783 ( Stourton House in Yorkshire ) . The typical description of his characteristic work sums about to a cliche , the park that is surrounded by belts of trees, the bunchs of trees in the unfastened landscape, together with the lake at the cardinal land, ever formed by barricading a steam and usually of a snaky sort so as to look like a river. Not much is known about either the pattern or theory of his trade. He did n’t go forth any theoretical Hagiographas and the few hints of information we have are undependable. In recent old ages, we find that it has been mentioned that Brown besides had great involvement in the pleasance evidences of an estate together with the park. He often designed more or less fancy shrubberies that were near to the house like in the pleasance evidences of Petworth. His work was n’t by and large admired in his clip, Sir William Chambers, the designer every bit good as the garden interior decorator criticized his landscapes in the twelvemonth 1772 due to their small difference from the common Fieldss. Richard Payne Knight, the picturesque apostle, unusually dubbed him as the originator of bald and bald. Nevertheless, Humphry Repton, who so followed in his footfalls, claimed that wishing for grading, so common in all his workingmans: each knoll by them is lowered, and each hollow filled to do a degree surface ( Halliday, p152 ) . Petworth House Petworth House in Petworth, England is a late 17th century manor, reconstruct in 1688 by Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of Somerset, and tainted during the 1870s by Anthony Salvin. The topographic point was once occupied by an equipt manor house that was founded by Henry de Percy, the 13th century chapel and the undercroft of which still exist. Today ‘s constructing houses is an indispensable aggregation of sculptures and pictures, which include 19 oil pictures by Turner, some which are owned by the household and some by Tate Britain, who was a usual visitant to Petworth, the pictures by Van Dyck, the carvings by Grinling Gibbons every bit good as Ben Harms, traditional and non-traditional sculptures ( which include even the 1s by John Edward Carew and John Flaxman ) , and wall every bit good as the ceiling pictures by Louis Laguerre. Furthermore, there is besides an earthly Earth by Emery Molyneux, which is believed to be he merely one worldwide in its original 1592 province. This stands in a seven hundred acre landscaped park called Petworth Park, which was good designed by Brown. However, the park is among the more popular in England, mostly on description of several of its images which were painted by Turner. It is occupied by a big herd of fallow cervid in England. There is besides approximately 30 acre forest garden called the Pleasure Ground ( Green, p123 ) . For the last two hundred and 50 old ages, we find that the house and the estate have under the ownership of the Wyndham household. The house and cervid park were given to the province in 1947 and are presently under the direction of the National Trust under the trade name ‘Petworth House and Park. However, the Leconfield Estates besides possess much of the Petworth and the adjacent country. As a expression into the lives of the old estate workers, we find that the Petworth Cottage Museum has been situated in High Street. Petworth House is the place to Petworth House Real Tennis Club. ( Many similar private estates held existent tennis tribunals. ) BlenheimPalace This is a big and big state house located in Woodstock, England. It is really the lone non-episcopal state house in the state to hold the rubric ‘Palace ‘ . The castle which is one of the largest houses in England was constructed between 1705 and 1724. It was accepted and recognized as a UNESCO World heritage Site in the twelvemonth 1987 ( Girouard, p67 ) . However, its building was ab initio intended to be a present to John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough from an appreciative state in return for military triumph against the Bavarians and Gallic at the Battle of Blenheim. Is shortly turned out to be the chief topic of political squabbling, which resulted to Marlborough ‘s expatriate, the autumn from the power of his Duchess, and lasting harm to the position of the Sir John Vanbrugh, the architecture Planned in the rare, and impermanent, English Baroque manner, architectural esteem of the castle is divided today as it was during the 1720s. It is exceeding in its combined usage as a mausoleum, household place, and a national memorial. Furthermore, the castle is besides celebrated as the place of birth and the hereditary place of the Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill ( Turner, p30-32 ) . The mark above the big East gate provides a clear history of the building of the castle, the reading: â€Å" Under the backing of a munificent crowned head this house was constructed for John of Marlborough together with his Duchess Sarah, by Sir J Vanbrugh between 1705 and 1722. The Royal Manor of Woodstock and a grant of two hundred and 40 1000 Euros towards the building of Blenheim, was offered by Her Majesty Queen Anne and approved by act of parliament. †The fact is hat the building of the castle was a minefield of political confederacy, with intriguing on a Machiavellian graduated table by Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Due to the completion of the castle, it has become the place of the Churchill household for the past three hundred old ages, and several members of the household have in that clip produced many alterations, inside gardens and park, whereby some are for the better, others for the worse. At the terminal of the 19th century, the Churchills and the castle were saved from the muss by an American matrimony. Hence, the outside of the castle is still in good fix and precisely as completed. Work cited Turner, R. , Capability Brown and the Eighteenth Century English Landscape. Phillimore, Chichester, 2005, pp.30-32. The book negotiations about Brown and his several parts to the landscape design, including the constitution of many Parkss for the English aristocracy. Particularly 15 of his landscapes ( e.g. , Blenheim ) which are comprehensively covered. Girouard, M. , Life in the English Country House. New Haven: Yale University Press. 2001, p67 The writer teases out these constellations and analyses the several ways the thoughts of subjection and command shaped Romantic artistic signifiers, from the literature and art to architecture and garden design. Green, D. , Blenheim Palace. Oxford: Alden Press. 2002, p123 The book focuses on a extremely original country of enquiry, the urban underworld. It besides offers enormous penetrations into the cultural energies and the stuff flows of the tunnels, cloacas and drains of Paris and London. Halliday, E. , Cultural History of England. London: Thames A ; Hudson. 2004, p152 This book displays the easiness and assurance of person who truly knows her capable. The writer examines the comfy insides of England, the overstuffed chairs and couchs, dark forests, authoritative spiels and the vivacious colourss. Harlin, R. , Historic Houses. London: Conde Nast Publications. 1999, p93 In this book, the writer negotiations about the great architectural memorials in different metropoliss of the universe such as London, Athens and Paris How to cite History And Theory Criticism Anthropology Essay, Essay examples
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